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So Thankful for Life

by | Oct 29, 2023 | Featured | 0 comments

I sat there, staring into space, pondering my topic for this month when a thought came to me. Once I was invited to speak at an event, celebrating National Adoption Month. Now, I couldn’t tell you the date of National Cheesecake day, National Peanut Butter Day, or Tortoiseshell Cat Appreciation Day, but Google could. I did remember that I wore my favorite sweater to that speaking engagement so the weather must have been on the cool side. Hey, what do you know! November it is!

Why should your humble author care about this topic? Travel back in time, nearly 52 years. A woman found herself “with child”, but it was clear she could not care for him. I should point out that, then as now, Maryland law permitted the murder of that unborn son. Perhaps I am wrong to mention this, but facts are facts. The boy was allowed a welcome into this world and, while he was not able to stay in the loving arms of the one who gave the gift of birth, he was welcomed with everlasting warmth into the home of the people who would become his Mom and Dad.

To most folks, November is the month of Thanksgiving, and it is fitting. I am forever thankful, for I owe my entire life, everything I became, to my adoption. Never once was I a “red-headed stepchild.” No, I was Florence and Leonard Gadow’s little boy, even when I grew to tower over each of them. It was not only my birth mother who gave me the gift of life.

I have seen the heartache of those unable to give birth on their own, and I have seen the devastation that comes from a child being brought up in a home unable to care for it. I have also met women with deep regret for ending a pregnancy via abortion. It is my hope, my prayer, that at least one person might be touched by my simple message today. Next to giving one’s life for another, what greater gift is there than to bring a child into this world and allow it to bless another’s home?

They also receive the gift of raising that child as their own flesh and blood. From either side, there is an incredible power to change a life, and this world, for the better. While some may question it, I have been told I am a productive member of society. Without doubt, I am someone who loves life. Let me take this month, and this forum, to express my thanks to the dear folks who allowed it all to happen.


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