“Sam, Hill”

“Sam, Hill” I had a teacher once who had moved here to the coastal plains from her home in Pennsylvania. She related the story of being given directions, soon after her relocation: “just turn right after the hill”. Indeed, she might have driven all day and not found...

There Is A Pew For You!

Among my frequent stops while browsing the internet is a website by the name of Quora. Perhaps you’ve seen it? The premise is simple: anyone can ask a question, of almost any sort, and anyone can in turn answer them. I’ve not found the need to ever ask one myself,...

I Can Run a Trot Line

One thing, they say, leads to another. And so it is that a piece at a time a puzzle came together. To the 1940’s, when two sons of Preston, “Biggest Small Town in the USA” went into partnership to sell farm supplies, hardware and Case tractors. O.B. Blades &...

We Have Choices to Make

In one small way, if only for a moment, I shall one-up Professor Dean (who you shall, I’m sure, find elsewhere in this periodical.) You see, I want to take you back, not to any great American war, not to the founding of our fair county, not even to the landing of some...

So Thankful for Life

I sat there, staring into space, pondering my topic for this month when a thought came to me. Once I was invited to speak at an event, celebrating National Adoption Month. Now, I couldn’t tell you the date of National Cheesecake day, National Peanut Butter Day, or...