
New Publisher of Caroline Review

I am so honored to be the next publisher of the Caroline Review. I appreciate all of the time and attention that Loretta and Rich Warfield gave me as we worked through the hand off during these last few months. You know that the Warfields gave their heart to the only...

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Farewell with Grateful Thanks

You know the saying “I never thought I’d see the day”, right? Well, that is true in our case. Since its inception in November of 1980, the Warfields have owned and operated the Caroline Review, beginning with its founder, my husband Rich’s mother, Adelaide. When she...

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A Tribute to Bill Greenly

On March 13th at approximately 4:00 pm one of Caroline County’s most beautiful people transitioned to their rightful place among the angels. Mr. Bill Greenly died at peace in his home which is where he wanted to be when he took his last breath. Four months shy of his...

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Congressmen from Caroline County

One day in February I woke up and decided that I was going to write my March article about the five Congressmen who have called Caroline County home. In chronological order by terms served, they are Thomas Culbreth, George Waggaman, Thomas Alexander Smith, Thomas Alan...

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There Is A Pew For You!

Among my frequent stops while browsing the internet is a website by the name of Quora. Perhaps you’ve seen it? The premise is simple: anyone can ask a question, of almost any sort, and anyone can in turn answer them. I’ve not found the need to ever ask one myself,...

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